Sunday, May 19, 2024

Shame on US(A): Our Culture is Corrupt— But Not Without Hope... 3 C's That Reshape our World. Who's Ready?


Here's the day's question. What has happened to our sense of civility, dignity and respect? No, not the current display that is highly disturbing, but how did we get here and what is the remedy that gives us hope? Let's start from the beginning. It is a 3 'C' Progression opportunity for those who choose to opt in. My prayer is that we all will to make the world a better place for us all.

  1. Everyone enters into the world as a 'C' Child. Only two people from the biblical outline were created as full adults. Everyone else has come and will come into the world born as a child. Nobody can change this.
  2. Everyone grows up in a Community/Cultural environment. This is where we learn the culture that is correct or corrupt. From food to fashion, religion to relationships often become products of what happens in our community and cultural engagements. We only eat certain foods, dress a certain way, relate to others in certain ways, etc. Is this community/culture always correct? Not. Unfortunately, we often grow up seeing things and being things that are incorrect and sometimes corrupt. For many persons, this cultural disorder, disconnect, and dysfunction stays with them for multiple generations and some, a lifetime. This shows up in many spheres and areas of our lives. And these things are opposite to what God has ordained and desired for His Creation. A quick look at this is located in the biblical records.
  3. Everyone has the opportunity to know ‘C’ Christ. Here lies the key to transformation and getting the Culture right or in the right standing. So, it's not your fault. But it is your choice. Christ came to be the model/example of what love and compassion, and how faith in God is paramount to living a life according to how the Creator intended. A life that emphasizes that we should do unto others as we would desire them to do unto us.

Communities and cultures from small towns to large towns and metropolitan cities and throughout the world are full of cultures and communities that are full of corrupt vices, habits and administrations that continue to be off course.

We are seeing this corrupt culture way too much. It’s not fair to the GEN X, Y, Z and forthcoming generations to see this on display. Who is he or she that is willing to stand up to cultural dysfunction and disorder to get it right and keep it right? This is the summation of this post.

The strong message here is that we all ought to endeavor to be more like Christ. Sounds simple and it is. But it’s a work that takes discipline and commitment to bring it to fulfillment. It requires us to put away childish things. The things that were introduced to us in our various cultural experiences.

This 3rd 'C...' Christ, is missing in our homes, educational institutions, community, culture, government, nation, our churches and our world. We will not see a difference until Christ is the declared truth and answer. Period.

Join me and the many others in the remnant who are on a journey to bring about the change. It's JUST GOD: No Brands... No Labels. We as a people (of God), cannot allow this space to be contaminated or cluttered with man-made ideas, constructs and operations.

One upcoming moment is set for June.

You can follow me here and at:

#jasminecrockett #culturicity #justgodtoday

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